Saturday 27 October 2018

Living Near a Forest is good for your brain

A study of older urban dwellers found that living in close proximity to forest land is linked with strong, healthy functioning of a key part of the brain. This indicates that, compared with those who live in a mostly man-made environment, people who dwell on the border between city and forest may be better able to cope with stress.

Perhaps surprisingly, Kuehn and her colleagues found no such association from living near bodies of water, or close to urban green spaces such as parks. Only proximity to forest land had this apparent positive effect.

The researchers caution that these results do not prove causality; it is possible that, for whatever reason, people with healthier amygdalae choose to live near forests. But that seems improbable, to put it mildly.

Thursday 25 October 2018

It's Important to have a Closure Conversation with Your Ex, so you can Both Move On

In 1922, a study was published that showed that waiters only remembered patrons and their orders while they were actively in the middle of ordering and delivering the food.  After the food was delivered and payment made, they would forget the details of the interaction.

The Gottman Institute has used the Zeigarnik Effect to create a framework for processing a regrettable incident between people.  They say it shows the importance of "completing" something so that the mind (and heart) can move on.

Below are the details about how to have a productive closure conversation.

Our Smart-Phones Are Negatively Affecting Our Relationships

Recent studies have shown that our constant attention to our smart devices, which serve to connect us at all times to everybody, are actually negatively affecting the most important form of relationships: the in-person connection.

One study found that merely having a cell phone in hand or nearby negatively affects many interactions, as the other person is watching for body-language cues that the person with the phone out is not really fully engaged in conversation. 

A second study showed that if somebody actually uses their phone during an in-person encounter, it can be perceived as social rejection, with all the strong implications of that on the strength of the interpersonal connection.

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Increase Gratitude, and save money!

An article in Forbes Magazine refers to studies which show that the youngest generation is the most materialistic ever, and who can blame them, given the unprecedented onslaught of messages to consume.  Along with this, however, there are clear signs that the youngest generation is less empathetic and their school grades are falling... 

Thankfully it’s been shown the gratitude exercises can help reverse this trend, and make for happier adults who actually spend less!

Thursday 11 October 2018

AMSR is passively helping people relax

Two recent studies from the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom  have show real benefits from listening to AMSR... or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response.

AMSR is a repetitive, relaxing sound.  It can be different for different people.  As the site at the link below says, AMSR is a “...relaxing, static-like, sensory phenomenon”  Its designer to invoke a tingly sensation that goes from your scalp and down your spine... which provides a sense of euphoria.  There are lots of online options to experience this.

Benefits include 
Reduce heart rate and a sense of relaxation such as from a massage.